Toward a natural lifestyle
Toward a natural lifestyle

As a biologist, I quickly became interested in the field of health and natural techniques to optimize it. I worked several years in a company, before following a complete training course in Naturopathy at the EURO NATURE Institute, affiliated to the French Federation of Naturopathy Schools (FENA), and then in Sophrology at the French Sophrology Training Institute.
L’Arbre d’Alice was born from this soil, rich of these experiences and of many years of yoga practice. It is this beautiful tree posture that has inspired the name.
I am often asked how an agricultural engineer can turn to naturopathic studies?
At first sight, this dual approach may indeed seem surprising. For engineers, the naturopathic approach, based on empirical observations, sometimes unproven, is too uncertain, and for naturopaths, the discipline of engineering does not leave much room for intuition!
And yet, far from being in opposition, “life engineering” and “naturopathy” complement each other.
The naturopathic approach is based both on precise scientific knowledge (physiology, endocrinology, nutrition) and on ancestral practices that have proven themselves, even if they are not scientifically recognized (energetics, reflexology…). Reason and intuition, too often opposed, are two ways of approaching reality.

C’est ainsi que je mets toutes mes compétences « d’ingénieur du vivant / naturopathe » au service du bien-être de la personne.
Je ne me sens ni « perchée », ni « terre à terre » mais à ma juste place, entre ciel et terre… tel l’arbre... l’Arbre d’Alice !Christine - Naturopathe & Sophrologue
SOPHROLOGUE – Institut de Formation à la Sophrologie – Catherine Aliotta
NATUROPATHE – diplômée de l’Institut EURO NATURE école certifiée par la FENA (fédération des écoles de naturopathie)
INGENIEUR AGRONOME– diplômée de l’Institut des Sciences & Industries du Vivant et de l’Environnement (AgroParisTech)
membre de l’OMNES (Organisation de la médecine naturelle et de l’Education sanitaire)